Töökindlate Arvutisüsteemide Uurimise Keskus
- Tippkeskuse lõpuworkshop, Mustpeade
Maja, Tallinn, 21.-22.1.2008
- Workshop on Effects and Type
Theory, Eesti TA, Tallinn, 13.-14.12.2007
- George Ganezise (Microsoft Research, Cambridge) kursus "Identity
and anonymity in cryptographic protocols", TÜ, Tartu, 4.-6.12.2007
- Jan van Lenti (University of Bath) kursus "Multilevel methods for
solving HPC", TÜ, Tartu, 22.-28.11.2007
- Arvutiteaduse
teooriapäevad Vanaõuel, 28.-30.9.2007
- 6th Estonian
Summer School in Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS '07,
Lepanina, 26.-30.8.2007
- Joint 19th IFIP
Int. Conf. on Testing Communicating Systems and 7th Int. Wksh. on
Formal Approaches to Testing of Software, TestCom-FATES 2007 / 27th
IFIP WG 6.1 Int. Conf. on Formal Methods for Networked and
Distributed Systems, FORTE 2007, Mustpeade Maja, Tallinn,
- Margus Veanesi (Microsoft Research) kursus "Model based protocol testing in
C#", TTÜ, Tallinn, 17.-20.4.2007
- Igor Kotenko ja Aleksandr Ulanovi (Peterburi Informaatika- ja
Automaatikainstituut) kursus Computer network attacks and
defense mechanisms, Cybernetica, Tallinn, 2.-5.4.2007
- 12th Estonian
Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '07, Palmse,
- Arvutiteaduse
teooriapäevad Rõuges, 26.-28.1.2007
10th Biennial Baltic
Electronics Conference, BEC '06, TTÜ, Tallinn / Laulasmaa,
- Arvutiteaduse
teooriapäevad Voorel, 30.9.-2.10.2006
- 2nd Lübeck-Tartu
Workshop in Informatics, TÜ, Tartu, 26.-27.9.2006
- Gordon Pace (University of Malta) kursus "Functional languages for
synchronous hardware design and verification", KübI, Tallinn,
- 7th Joint Conf. on
Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, JCKBSE '06, Uniquestay
Hotel, Tallinn, 28.-31.8.2006
5th Estonian
Summer School in Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS '06, Pedase,
- 8th Int. Conf. on
Mathematics of Program Construction, MPC '06 / 11th Int. Conf. on
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, AMAST '06,
Saaremaa Spa Hotell Meri, Kuressaare, 2.-8.7.2006
- Ben Bennettsi (Bennetts Associates) seminar "Board
Design-for-Test", TTÜ, Tallinn, 5.-7.6.2006
- Yury Lifshitsi (POMI, Peterburi) kursus "Software Obfuscation",
TÜ, Tartu, 13.-17.3.2006
- 11th Estonian
Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '06, Palmse,
Michael Backesi (Univ. des Saarlandes) kursus "Secure Reactive
Systems", TÜ, Tartu, 27.2.-3.3.2006
- Arvutiteaduse
teooriapäevad Kokel3, 3.-5.2.2006
teooriapäevad Viinistul, 28.-30.10.2005
- Edith Elkindi (Univ. of Warwick) kursus "Selected Topics in
Algorithmic Game Theory", TÜ, Tartu, 24.-27.10.2005
10th Nordic
Wksh. on Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2005, TÜ, Tartu, 20.-21.10.2005
IFIP WG 2.8 Meeting #22,
Kalvi mõis, 1.-4.10.2005
6th Int. Symp. on
Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2005 / 10th ACM SIGPLAN
Int. Conf. on Functional Programming, ICFP 2005 / 4th Int. Conf. on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering, GPCE 2005,
Mustpeade Maja, Tallinn, 23.9.-1.10.2005
9th East-European Conf. on
Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2005,
Mustpeade Maja, Tallinn, 12.-15.9.2005
9th Symp. on Programming
Languages and Software Tools, SPLST '05, TÜ, Tartu,
4th Estonian
Summer School in Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS '05, Pedase,
20th Int. Conf. on Automated
Deduction, CADE-20, Mustpeade Maja, Tallinn, 22.-27.7.2005
- Dominique Borrione ja Paul Amblardi (Univ. Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble) loengud digitaalskeemide verifitseerimisest, TTÜ, Tallinn,
10th European Test Symposium,
ETS 2005 ja European Board Test
Workshop, EBTW '05, Reval Hotell Olümpia, Tallinn, 22.-25.5.2005
- 10th
Estonian Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '05, Palmse,
Marc Bezemi (Univ. Bergen) kursus Theory and Practice of
Geometric Logic, KübI, Tallinn, 17.-23.2.2005
teooriapäevad Kokel2, 4.-6.2.2005
seminar formaalsetest meetoditest, Pedase, 16.-17.10.2004
9th Biennial Baltic
Electronics Conference, BEC'04, TTÜ, Tallinn, 3.-6.10.2004
teooriapäevad Veskisillal, 1.-3.10.2004
Theo Vierhausi (Techn. Univ. Cottbus) loengud digitaalsüsteemide
projekteerimisest ja testimisest, TTÜ, Tallinn, 20.-21.9.2004
5th Int. Summer School on
Advanced Functional Programming, AFP'04, TÜ, Tartu, 14.-21.8.2004
- 3rd Estonian
Summer School in Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS '04,
Pedase, 8.-12.8.2004
Teadusseminar "E-valimised ja Eesti", Hotell London, Tartu,
- Martin Fränzle (DTU) kursus Abstraction Techniques in
Verification, TTÜ, Tallinn, 10.-14.5.2004
- Rainer Hartensteini (Univ. Kaiserslautern) loengud
rekonfigureeritavast riistvarast, TTÜ, Tallinn, 14.5.2004
- 2nd Annual Meeting of
FP5 IST Thematic Network APPSEM II, APPSEM '04 ja APPSEM II Wksh. on
Normalization by Evaluation, NBE '04, Mustpeade Maja ja Olematu
Rüütel, Tallinn, 14.-17.4.2004
- 9th Estonian
Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '04, Palmse,
- Arvutiteaduse
teooriapäevad Kokel, 30.1.-1.2.2004
- Luis Barbosa (Univ. do Minho) kursus Models and Calculi for
Software Components, TÜ, Tartu, 8.-12.12.2003
- Michael R. Hanseni (DTU) kursus Duration Calculus, TTÜ,
Tallinn, 17.-23.11.2003
- Seminar "Boundary Scan: Facing Challenges in Device, Board and
System Level Design-for-Test", TTÜ, Tallinn, 21.10.2003
- Ben Bennettsi (Bennetts Associates) seminar Techniques for
Designing Testable Integrated Circuits, TTÜ, Tallinn,
- Arvutiteaduse
teooriapäevad Pedasel, 3.-5.10.2003
Seminariettekannete päev formaalsetest meetoditest, TÜ, Tartu,
- Thorsten Altenkirchi (Univ. of Nottingham) kursus Introduction to Type
Theory, KübI, Tallinn, 8.-17.9.2003
- 2nd Estonian
Summer School in Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS '03,
Taagepera, 10.-14.8.2003
- Õppeseminar
"Digitaalskeemide projekteerimine ja test", TTÜ, Tallinn,
- Seminar
"Boundary Scan: Facing Challenges in Board Level Testing", TTÜ,
Tallinn, 15.5.2003
- 8th Estonian
Winter School in Computer Science, EWSCS '03, Palmse, 2.-7.3.2003
- Arvutiteaduse
teooriapäevad Arulas, 3.-5.2.2003
- 14th Nordic Workshop on
Programming Theory, NWPT '02, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn,
teooriapäev Roostal, 16.-17.10.2002
9th Biennial Baltic
Electronics Conference, BEC '02, TTÜ, Tallinn, 6.-9.10.2002
Tarmo Uustalu
Viimane uuendus 7.3.2008